
Friday, 6 June 2014

Slowly but surely

Marika continues to be very very cautious. Baby Whetu is much more inquisitive than her mother, but Marika is being surprisingly protective of her considering Whetu's age (6 months-ish).  Whetu really needs to get out from under the apron strings so she can find her own way. 

They're both eating hay out of our hands, and I've had some brief touches on the face while eating but they weren't particularly happy about it. More work to be done there. 

(You can see I've put a halter on Marika - she wasn't overly happy about the process but considering how nervous she is still, I wasn't comfortable with letting her into the paddock without it on).

I let them out in the paddock this morning, and as of this evening they were still in the yard. A short venture partway into the paddock and contact with a hot-wire was enough for one day, apparently. 

Although my ponies have been keeping them company for a week, Marika showed no interest in meeting them without a fence between, and seemed nervous at the sight of them in the paddock. When Minstrel approached she pinned her ears and told him pretty clearly to go away, with both heels and teeth. 

 They'll have to come out tonight or tomorrow, they're going to get hungry very soon!

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