
Sunday, 16 September 2012

Photo update!

It's been 3 1/2 months since the muster.  I think Tama is looking a lot more grown-up. 

28 May 2012

16 September 2012

The most noticeable difference is how much more even he is from front to back - his wither has caught up to his hindquarters. He also looks much less tucked up in his hindquarters in the second photo, although the top one was taken the day he arrived so it's understandable that he was pretty stressed.
His mane has grown and is really glossy, I'm hoping that's a sign of what his coat will eventually be like once he loses all this infernal fluff! 

I'd love to hear what you horsey people think.  

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Snoozing in the sun

Here is Tama and his adopted mum cuddled up together having a snooze in the sun. 

Honey is heavily pregnant and due in a couple of weeks.  She has taken Tama on as her own responsibility and is very unhappy if I take him out of her sight.

In a separate note... is Tama EVER going to lose that incredibly fluffy coat of his?! The other horses have lost enormous amounts of winter hair over the last few weeks and are starting to look quite respectable, but Tama is stubbornly holding onto his long curly coat.  I suppose he is still a baby, and once it starts getting a lot warmer surely he'll start moulting.  In the meantime, he looks just as much of a scruff as he did when he first arrived.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Floating? Been there done that...

Started float training today, and he was on the float with the bum bar across and the door shut within about 15 minutes.  And that was with me taking it really slowly and just waiting with a loose lead for him to choose to step on.  Clever wee lad. 

I started out clicking and giving him carrots for each foot on the ramp and each movement forward, but once he saw his food bowl on the floor he decided it was worth stepping right up inside.  I'm glad he's decided carrots are edible, but he definitely still prefers hardfeed.

We do need to do a bit more work on backing though, he forgot how to walk backwards when it was time to come off and we had to turn around and walk down head first instead.  Luckily he's still small enough to do that! 

I leased the float for two weeks so will have plenty of time to keep getting him on and off, and taking him for wee drives.  We may even go on a proper outing next weekend.